วันศุกร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Each one has its own advantages that will help your website.

Many people argue that taking embryonic cells, even from a placenta, is morally wrong because it is killing a "child". But, in all honesty we need to ask ourselves: is an embryonic cell really a fetus? It's hard to think so. While life may begin at conception, life at that point is not far enough along in development to consider it a baby.

On the flip side, stem cell research stands to help thousands of people who are suffering from disease and disability. From genetic disorders to spinal injuries, it promises to bring hope into the lives of those who are struggling to get through each day.

We need to acquire some logic here. How is stem cell research going to kill a fetus that does not have a neurological system, a brain, any organs, a circulatory system? How is this a fetus? The stem cell is probably no bigger than a skin cell. Is a skin cell a fetus? No, of course not. It has life, true. But, does that make it a baby? No.

This topic has become a powerful argument over time and probably will continue to cause heated debates in the future. But, can we really deprive thousands of people from a cure to their devastating ailments because we want to play a game with semantics? A fetus without a brain or any other organs is really not a fetus, afterall. And, it is mighty selfish for the world to sit by and let a war of words hinder the health of living, breathing human beings whose only hope for a normal life is in the hands of stem cell research.

Reference research: business research and health research and general research and my bookmark page

Quanlity Social Bookmark

วันอังคารที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

stem cell research

Ever get a research assignment and not know how to do the research portion?  Well here are some tips for your problem from someone whose written countless papers.

First and foremost I recommend for any paper is get your hands on a good grammer handbook.  The one I used was the Longman Handbook, it was required for some courses.  Any paper is only as good as the grammer within.  You could write an outstanding paper, but if your grammar is poor, the your paper will reflect that.  Also get your hands on a handbook for both formats MLA and APA it will be useful when citing your information.

Second thing you should do is to find out everything ou need to know about the assignment.  Such as what's needed, allowed, and not allowed.  Some professors will allow charts, graphs, and even pictures.  I had a professor who loved that I added pictures of the novels I wrote about.

Next thing I suggest is DO NOT WAIT until the last moment to do the research.  You will only cause yourself to go insane.  It will cause so many problems, the books you may need may not be available, because everyone else is writing the same paper and need the same resources.  Also magazines in your field that have useful information may be tossed out because of age.

Make use of all the resources in the library, that includes talking to the librarians.  Librarians know alot more than  you think.  They could lead you to useful books and articles for your topic.  Do not rely solely on internet resources.  One you never know if the information is accurate, and 2 if all your information is from the internet you come off as lazy to the point that the internet looked for information, not yourself.  Make  use of journals relating to your field, you may have to do some reading, but they contain useful articles.

Narrow your search topic until you have a more concrete subject.  If the assignment is say trends in tourism, ask yourself  what kid of trends?  Trends in transportation, lodging, restaurants, activities and even locations could be some sub-topics for the paper which narrows your search based on the sub-topics.  Any topic could be divided into two or more subjects.  You also have a sort of organization for the paper.

When doing research use notecards.  Mark each one with a number.  The first note card is the book infor like author, publisher,  copyright date etc.  Anything found in the book would be 1.1, 1.2 and so one until you move to the second book. When writing the book notecards write the information according to citing them on the referance page, that way you can just copy the notecard. Hold on to all book notecards for future papers, it would be easy reference.  I would also write a few notes about what is in the book.

Lastly I would suggest keep talking to your professor about the paper.  They could easily give you advice and help direct you to useful books and articles that would would help yor search.  They could also give you ideas on how to proceed with the paper and if you're on the right track or not.

Following these tips could help make researching a paper all the more easier and less stressful.  You could improve your skills and wow your professors.

Reference research: beauty research and home research and shopping research and my social page


วันศุกร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

research methods in physical activity

When you consider starting a business then you need to do a little bit of research. The research will help you see how successful the business would most likely become. You can also find out the small details within a field regarding a business that we often forget or aren't aware of because the business isn't in operation yet. Here are ten ways to help you research a business opportunity.

1. Talk to experts that you know that are already in the field. You need to speak to people that are already in the type of business that you are interested in. You need to ask them questions. You want to know basically how it works from start to finish and any problems that the person may run into. You want to basically know what it is like on a regular basis to run a business. You need to talk to a few people in order to get a more in depth information. You need to speak to the owners of the business instead of just an employee since the owners does know exactly what goes on from day to day in the business.

2. See how profitable it is. You want to make sure that that the type of business that you want to start will make you enough money. The important thing is to consider if it is worth it depending upon how much time and energy you have to put into it. If the other businesses in the area are struggling to keep their doors open each day then it probably isn't a good idea since those other businesses don't generate enough sales or services rendered.

3. Can your company be better than the competition? You need to ask yourself that question. If every person in town always want to go a certain company for a certain item or even service then you need to become better than the competition. You want your customers to think that your company is better than your competition even with excellent customer service and cheap prices.

4. Does the type of business that you are interested in starting require a lot of funding in the beginning? Some companies are cheaper than others to start in the beginning. You need to figure out if you will have enough money for advertising and all the other expenses. You want to have enough money saved in the bank for your personal use too besides money for business. It is important to able to support yourself for basic living expenses along with being able to have enough money for your business too.

5. Will you be able to generate enough sales? Is their enough people in the city or town to offer services or items to the customers? You need to think about it. If your competition doesn't have a website then make sure that you have a business website. You always want to offer the next best thing or something else that they don't offer. If your competition doesn't offer credit accounts then you probably should offer credit accounts to business owners and individuals. You want to be different than your competition. If your competition doesn't advertise on radio then you need to advertise on radio.

You need to go to the city to look all the new companies that have been started recently within the last few years. Make sure to see how many of them ever renewed their business license. Look to see how many companies haven't been successful in the same field that you want to start a business in. You want to see many companies have been successful offering the same type of products or items. The records will give you a general idea of how well your company should succeed.

Reference research: research Dr. and law research and shopping research and recent update

Wordpress Tuts

วันพุธที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

You need to figure out why is it so.

003/365 - I'm blogging this. by antigone78

A successful blog takes time and effort to create and manage. Bloggers spend a lot of their free time publishing posts, refining their Wordpress themes and promoting the blog content. It does not matter if the blog is personal or a paid blog, the importance and the sentiment of it is the same. That is why backing up work is highly recommended, losing months or years of hard work would be a shame. Backing up a blog is easy and should be done on regular basis.

How do you backup a Wordpress blog?

All Wordpress blogs store the information into what is called MySQL database. MySQL database makes it easy to store Wordpress blog information, as well as export and backup MySQL database.

Here are three available methods to backup Wordpress blogs;

Backing up through FTP

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is an easy way to backup web hosting files. It is also easy to backup Wordpress files and blogs through FTP as well. Simply login to your FTP account (the address of the web hosting account should be ftp.enteryourdomainname.com) and use the given username and password for FTP/Cpanel access. The login for Cpanel/FTP is provided by the web hosting company. It should be different from the actual Wordpress Admin login.

Once logged into FTP, click on public_html folder. The public_html folder is where all public files are uploaded. It is the core of the web hosting account and Wordpress blog. To backup Wordpress files through FTP, you can transfer the entire public_html folder to a local computer on your Desktop.

For example, create a folder on the Desktop called My Website. Then right click on public_html folder inside of the FTP client. Select transfer to Desktop - My Website folder.

This process will take several minutes, depending on the size of the Wordpress blog and the web hosting account, it may take several hours to fully transfer every single file.

Backing up Wordpress files through FTP will backup the Wordpress template, Wordpress installation and setup, but not the MySQL database. The blog posts are stored inside of the MySQL database, which should be backed up separately. However, the files should be backed up through FTP in order to backup Wordpress templates and all the configuration, plus design changes made.

Backing up Wordpress MySQL database

The easiest way to backup MySQL database is through Cpanel. Login to web hosting account's Cpanel (it should be www.enteryourdomainname.com/cpanel) and use the Cpanel login provided by the web hosting company. Usually Cpanel and FTP logins are the same.

Click on the Backups icon in Cpanel

On the left hand side, it will list Download a MySQL Database Backup

Below that, is a list of all Wordpress MySQL databases and any other databases created for the account

Right click on the database name, most likely cpanelusername_wrdp1

Select Save As

Choose where to save the file, such as Desktop - My Website

The MySQL Database should save as a .gz file. You will not be able to open up this file on a local computer, it is a backup of the file that has to be restored in Cpanel. Do not attempt to open or alter the .gz file, as it may corrupt the backup and ruin the saved Wordpress blog database.

Backing up Wordpress MySQL through phpMyAdmin

Another easy way to backup Wordpress MySQL database is through phpMyAdmin. PhpMyAdmin is a PHP and MySQL database tool provided through Cpanel.

Login to Cpanel as instructed before

Click on phpMyAdmin icon

A new window will open up, showing phpMyAdmin and listing MySQL Wordpress databases. It will also list any additional MySQL databases created for the website.

Click on the Wordpress MySQL database, most likely named _wrdp1

Click on the Export tab on the right hand menu

Under Export Select All / Unselect All tab click on Select All option

Once all MySQL tables are selected, click on SQL below

Scroll down until you see:

Save as file File name template (1): ( remember template )

Compression: None "zipped" "gzipped"

Choose the Save as file option, the option None is by default and can be left as selected

Click on the option GO

This should open up your Desktop. Save the Wordpress MySQL database backup wherever you choose on the Desktop, such as Desktop - My Website

This will backup the MySQL Wordpress database, which can be restored using phpMyAdmin. To restore a Wordpress MySQL database, use the Import option provided.

Backup Wordpress files using Cpanel

Another useful tool provided by Cpanel is the backup option, to backup hosting files and backup blog files. To backup a blog through Cpanel, click on the Backup icon again.

Under Partial Backups

Click on the option to: Download a Home Directory Backup - Home Directory

The Home Directory refers to public_html folder. It will backup all hosting files, website files and Wordpress blog files inside of public_html.

The tar.gz can be saved anywhere on your Desktop, and it will give you a copy of Wordpress blog files. This does not backup the Wordpress MySQL database. To backup Wordpress files, use the methods previously provided.

Source article: Blogger Word and Weblogs and free blog headers and how to create a free blog and free blog site
Ali Edwards Blog